Friday, February 5, 2010

High cholesterol damage Sight

High cholesterol damage Sight

High blood pressure and increased blood cholesterol levels was not only dangerous for the heart. Two indications of this Can Also threaten the health of your eyes.
As reported a study published journal That was May edition of Archives of Ophthalmology, Can These two conditions trigger the risk of eye disorders, Experiencing Someone Called occlusion or blockage of the retinal veins. Can this condition leads to blindness caused by one or more veins carrying blood from the eye to the heart is blocked or congested fluids.
Research conducted in Ireland That indicates a person suffered from high blood WHO 3.5-fold risk of occlusive clots Those Experiencing These WHO tensinya than normal. Meanwhile, the WHO people have high cholesterol are at increased risk "" Were Recorded is up to a 2.5-fold.
This finding is the result of a review of 21 previous studies involving a total of 2916 Patients with retinal vein occlusion and 28,646 people WHO do not have it. The results of the analysis indicates Also, 63.6 percent of Patients with occlusion of the retina are potential problems Also with blood. Those Whereas the WHO did not have eye problems, the percentage is 36.2 percent. High cholesterol levels reach Twice the percentage (35 percent) in people with occlusion than the WHO Patients did not experience it (16.7 percent).
In the meantime if dikaitkkan with diabetes, suffer from WHO Those occlusion percentage is slightly larger than Those That do not have diabeter ie 14.6 versus 11.1 percent. Air conditioning

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